The Firenze model consists of a sheet in Ergo Foam Bio combined with an embossed sheet of Memory Ergo. This mattress provides the right support to the spine, reducing pressure points and promoting blood circulation.
Technical characteristics
Memory ergo
Ergo foam
Anti mite and anti mold
High lift
Length: 190/195/200 cm
Width: 80/85/90/100/120/140/160/165/170/180 cm
High: 24 cm
Sanity Ignifugo
Its composition makes it hypoallergic and anti mite, with a good wear resistance, delicate to the touch and with a low absorbition of moisture. Upholstered in the central partwith Thermofiber, this combination allows the passage of air , promotes the characteristic of anti- mite and promotes the evaporation of moisture .
N.B. It is possible to have a tailor-made mattress. Contact us for a customized quotation.